那么要不要趁羅志濤還在煉化幽明燈的片刻功夫趕緊撤退離開幽明帝陵這片虛空??In Manhattan, everybody is connected by less than six degrees of sexual separation. A first encounter sparks a series of intimate and comedic moments linking ten New Yorkers in a chain reaction of love and desire. Inspired by Arthur Schnitzler's play "La Ronde" and set in present-day Manhattan, 30 BEATS explores a series of encounters between ten people connected by the laws of.??本片是一部德國喜劇片男主角Jan B?rner是一個(gè)漫畫家可他的職業(yè)生涯并不十分順利畫不出來受歡迎的漫畫讓他左右為難女友的事業(yè)卻蒸蒸日上這讓他十分苦惱他所居住的社區(qū)是一個(gè)充滿了樂趣的社區(qū)鄰里之間十分和諧然而這種熱鬧的氛圍令他不快逐漸他從中找到了靈感他將鄰居們的生活畫進(jìn)了漫畫中出乎意料的漫畫得到了賞識可他并沒有征求鄰居們的同意這讓大家對他十分失望Jan B?rner將要如何才能挽回鄰居們的信任呢??