高清漩本希望能借助時(shí)間流逝慢慢化解調(diào)和有朝一日迎接恩師歸來??5集大型歷史文獻(xiàn)紀(jì)錄片烽火淮安該片為紀(jì)念周恩來總理誕辰120周年是對(duì)一代偉人豐功偉績(jī)的深切緬懷是對(duì)淮安老干部奉獻(xiàn)與付出的最好銘記傳承革命先輩的崇高品質(zhì)和光榮傳統(tǒng)弘揚(yáng)淮安老干部的奮斗精神和優(yōu)良作風(fēng)??A good solid film for only a million dollar budget. The plot is believable and right along the same lines as Mission Impossible 2...and this movie came out 2 years before MI2. Maybe MI2 saw this and copied it on a big scale. Ron Pearlman is as sinister as he always is and Clint Howard plays the same quirky, goofball he is so good at. Annabelle Schofield and Morgan Brittany are sexy and fun to watch.??